Luke's Buffy/Angel Links
Luke'Buffy's Boy' presents... Home Page

Season One Buffy

Season Two Buffy

Season Three Buffy

Season Four Buffy

Season Five Buffy

Season One Angel

Season Two Angel

Bring Buffy (And Angel) Home - Region 2 DVD

Luke's Buffy/Angel Links


You want more, do ya?
Below are a bunch of Buffy/Angel-related links. From my fellow Buffy/Angel sites to the more detailed fan favourites, you'll find some really cool stuff below...

Luke 'Buffy's Boy' presents...
Luke's Buffy Bitz And, finally, it's being built! Buffy Bitz is devoted to Sunnydale and its inhabitants - learn all the essentials on how to become vampire-slaying material, check out pics, and have fun with various quizzes and wickedly devilish features!
Luke's Los Angelus Coming soon! Want more than pithy episode descriptions? Get your butt over to this site, which has a plethora of Angel related-info...

More Buffy/Angel sites
BuffyGuide All you need is right here! Get lost for days if you wanna and enjoy detailed episode guides, scrumptious piccies, a chat forum, actor/crew profiles and much much more. You'll love it...
The Tears Of A Slayer A fantastico site created by a fantastico Buffy fan. RedHeadedWitch's site contains fanfic (some incomplete and never-to-be-finished stuff from me), links, pics and loads more!
The Watcher's Web One of the best sites around, with an enormous amount of content including all the latest spoiler gossip (which I'm trying to avoid), news, info on the episodes, latest merchandise news, yada yada yada. If you're into Buffy there's no way you'll not love this...
BBC Online - Buffy The Vampire Slayer A great site for British fans who watch the show on the BBC (cuts and all) with a large section devoted to video interviews with the big names, including Ms Gellar. With frequently updated news and fun episode summaries, this one is a keeper! Enjoy...
City Of Angel A brilliantly designed, visually stunning site with competitions, interviews, episode reviews, etc. If you prefer L.A. to Sunnydale, this is the place to go...
The Sanctuary With an array of pages to explore, this site dedicated to the L.A. Scooby Gang is the ultimate in episode breakdowns. One of the best!
The Buffy & Angel Music Pages If, like me, you're a big fan of the tunes you hear week in and week out on the shows, make this site a priority - and then run along to KaZaA and make your own albums. Naughty, naughty... Not satisfied with my links that cover only a tiny tiny portion of the sites out there devoted to the shows? Make a stop here and you'll discover there are sites you've only dreamed about...
Buffy The Vampire Slayer - The Official UPN Site This is the big one. A spoiler minefield for us UK fans but it has the Bronze - what more do you need? There's also pictures, episode guides, and all the latest on the new eps including links to trailers. Get in!