Below the first season of the brooding one's adventures in LA are examined...
City Of Quick summary - Mr.Billowy-Coat-King-of-Pain sets up shop in L.A, where he saves old chum Cordy from a vamp who's into young actresses, and also hooks up with a half-demon who has visions of peeps in trouble... Best quote - Angel; (after Russell Winters claims he can do anything he pleases) Really? Can you fly? (proceeds to push Winters through a window, from which he falls and turns to dust mid-air) Guess not... Comments - A cool enough start but not as great as everyone makes it out to be. There's enough witty dialogue from Joss Whedon and David Greenwalt's script and there are some amazing stunts (the Russell Winters poofing, as an example) but it's all a bit average when compared to some of the brill episodes of Season Two and late Season One. Wolfram & Hart are introduced straight off, Winters is a threatening enough bad guy and Tracy Middendorf as Tina portrays the character's anxiety and fear perfectly. However, this basically introduces us to Doyle and reintroduces us to Cordy and the main man (well, vamp) himself. Not bad but not top-drawer... Verdict - * * * 1/2
Lonely Hearts
Quick summary - Angel meets cop Kate Lockley while hunting down a 'burrower' who moves from body to body after sexual intercourse has taken place...
Best quote - Cordy; (after Doyle discovers her bra in her apartment and makes a joke) That is so high school. Cordelia has bras. Ooooh, she has girl parts...
Comments- This ep is usually ravaged by fans. I don't know why though cos I think it's pretty cool. Maybe it's because one of my favourite recurring characters, Kate, is introduced here and gets a lot of screen time - and boy, can Elisabeth Rohm act! There's also some flirtatious chemistry going on with Cordy and Doyle, and while the theme of the episode (struggling to make a connection) is a bit heavy-handed, the ick factor of some of the scenes makes up for it. An entertaining fourty-five minutes...
Verdict - * * * 1/2
In The Dark
Quick summary - Spike shows up in L.A. looking for a ring which makes any vampire who wears it invincible. Cue some fighting between him and old enemy, Angelus, and an appearance from Oz, who drives to L.A. to make sure the ring is safe with Angel...
Best quote - Spike; (mocking Angel) Evil's still afoot, and I'm almost out of that nancy-boy hair gel I like so much. Quick, to the Angelmobile. Away!
Comments - The first crossover and a great one at that. The best episode so far, theres so much to enjoy - the humour element is well and present (Spike adds to this, as does the dry comments made by Oz, whose appearance is brief but a highlight) and there's also some dark'n'gritty action and drama (Angel helps a woman whose boyfriend is abusive, there are some gruesome torture scenes and Marcus's sick paedophilic desire for children is something the spinoff's parent show would never get away with). Angel also gets a chance to walk in the sunlight, which tops off an amazing, whirlwind of an hour.
Verdict - * * * * 1/2
I Fall To Pieces
Quick summary - Angel defends a woman (who would have guessed it?) who has a stalker in the form of an insane doctor who can dismember his body parts...eeuw!
Best quote - Cordy; (on Angel) Maybe you might want to think about mixing up the black-on-black look.
Comments - This episode is always referred to as the worst episode ever by fans but I disagree. Although I do find it to be fairly run-of-the-mill and I have to say some of the special FX are appalling, there's enough excitement and witty banter between the show's three stars (especially the flirty talk going on with Doyle and Cordy, whose developing friendship is great to watch) for a week's instalment. Not a work of art but it'll keep you interested...
Verdict - * * * 1/2
Rm W/A Vu
Quick summary - While Angel handles the guys looking to kill Doyle, Cordy settles down into her new apartment. That is, after she and the guys get rid of the murderous old lady ghost who has issues with her equally dead son, Dennis...
Best quote - Cordy; ...Lady, the bitch is back!
Comments - Angel's first full-on comedic outing is an outstanding effort. Jane Espenson, as always, keeps the jokes coming thick and fast and her script is wonderfully amusing while also equally impressive when it comes to characterisation. More of Doyle's background comes to light, while this ep's main character, poor Cordy, is also developed. The bitch really is back and the last scene really proves it! Also this ep succeeds in delivering some creepy scenes and the addition of Phantom Dennis is ab fab! All in all, top stuff!
Verdict - * * * * 1/2
Sense & Sensitivity
Quick summary - Wolfram & Hart cook up a nasty scheme when Angel helps Kate Lockley jail one of their important clients. The consequences of this scheme sees everyone affected in emotional turmoil...
Best quote - Angel; My parents were great...tasted a lot like chicken!
Comments - Following on from a funny episode comes another sitcom stylee instalment. Not as rib-tickling as the previous ep but still very entertaining, this ep sees Kate and Angel succumb to their feelings and what we see are different sides to these characters than we're used to seeing. David Boreanaz plays Angel's simpering wimpy anti-violence attitude to a tee, while the brilliant Elisabeth Rohm injects some humour into her scenes with Cordy and Doyle (the moment when she threatens to blow their brains out always manages to make me smile) and, on the more serious side of things, the conflict between her and her father is intriguing and is followed up on in The Prodigal. The possibility of Doyle'n'Cordy-sitting-in-a-tree is also brought up again and their reactions to Angel's newfound 'peace' outlook are classic. The fact that the main enemies in this ep are lawyers and criminals also gives this ep a gritty more adult feel. Enjoyable fluff!
Verdict - * * * *
The Bachelor Party
Quick summary - Doyle's ex-wife ('huh?' I hear you utter) comes to L.A. along with her demon fiance who intends to eat Doyle's brains and........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Best quote - Cordy; (on her lack of tact) I think it, I say. That's my way.
Comments - My least favourite episode of the first season and possibly ever! I've never really been a massive fan of Doyle. He's an okay character but not 'regular' material is my thought. And the rest of this ep doesn't make up for this fact - there's the annoying demon family who want to snack on Doyle's brains (do they EVER shut their holes?!!) and numerous bad lines that make you cringe! There are good points though. The first act is actually very enjoyable - with Cordy finally seeming to feel attracted to Doyle and a class vamp fight scene involving Angel and Doyle. When Harry enters though it's all downhill (although the actress takes on her role quite well, her husband-to-be is just sooooooo annoying, as I've already mentioned). Only other redeeming factors are the teasing tag which makes way for the first Buffy/Angel crossover and more hints on Doyle's past.
Verdict - * * 1/2
I Will Remember You
Quick summary - After the events of Pangs (Buffy Season Four), Buffy comes to L.A. to get an explanation from her beau, which turns into something much more when they are attacked by a Mohra demon whose blood makes vamps like Angel turn human...
Best quote - Buffy; (in the dramatic heart-wrenching final minute before the day is swallowed) I felt your heart beat...
Comments - An amazing spectacular which sees the Buffy/Angel love affair get into full gear until Angel realises they can never be together and time is turned. The theme of time throughout the episode is a clever touch, although the main attraction of this episode is the chemistry between Sarah Michelle Gellar (my fave actress in the world) and David Boreanaz. What we've always wanted is cruelly (and inevitably) taken away and the performances from the two make this even more tear-jerking and heart-breaking. Chris Beck's amazing love theme for the pair strikes up towards the end of the ep, which is another pleasant surprise. There's also some other cool things to point out - slight comedic relief in the shape of Cordy (who thinks that cos' Angel is human again, this means she's out of the job), the introduction of the Oracles and some fancy fight scenes. However, there are some slow moments where the action drags that let this fine fourty five minutes down. Tiny flaws for such an extraordinary piece of work!
Verdict - * * * * 1/2
Quick summary - Doyle sacrifices himself in order to save his friends and some frightened demon refugees from a monstrous army called the hoo, anyone?
Best quote - Doyle (last words to Cordy); I guess we'l never know...(morphs into demon) if this is a face you could learn to love...
Comments - Another weepy dramatic episode with a lot going for it. The big thing being, of course, Doyle's departure. The possibility of a thang between him and Cordy (like last ep, with Buffy'n'Angel) is taken away when he gives up his life in one of the series most pivotal scenes. Aside from the tear-inducing drama of it, this scene is the one where Cordy inherits a certain gift from her good friend. Full results of the life-changing kiss are revealed in the following episode. Other than Glenn Quinn's final (or is it?) appearance, there's other stuff to note. Again, the show proves that darker can be better with this atmospheric piece - the Scourge are very creepy and Doyle's flashback, where he discovers something awful, is very striking (accompanied by a fab score). Character development is also of interest, there's the cool teaser concerning Cordy's idea for an ad campaign for Angel Investigations ('I'm the Dark Avenger'), and there's a bittersweet ending in which Angel and Cordy watch a video of Doyle, the only thing they have left of their friend...
Verdict - * * * * 1/2
Parting Gifts
Quick summary - Cordelia discovers Doyle passed his visions on to her, and a demon on the run from a certain rogue demon hunter wants to auction off her special gift...
Best quote - Cordy; (when Wesley introduces himself as a rogue demon hunter) Wow. What's a rogue demon?
Comments - A fairly good episode but nothing outstanding. It's great to have Alexis Denisof back, even if the Wesley he portrays early on is a bit of a whimpering bumbling fool. However, he's a great addition to the cast and, in my opinion, a better choice than Glenn Quinn because we all know him from Buffy. It's also great re-watching this ep to see how Cordy reacted to her first vision when later they become such a vital part of who she is. Charisma Carpenter is the best thing about this ep - she manages to keep you laughing whilst you also feel symapthetic for her character due to Doyle's death and her newfound discovery...oh, and the fact that her eyes are nearly extracted from her head. Barney the demon, however, just annoys me and kinda ruins this ep for me as an individual. On the more positive side, we are reminded that Wolfram & Hart have an interest in Angel though and there's the tag where Wesley joins the gang for breakfast, both of which leave possibilities open for the future of this brilliant show...
Verdict - * * * 1/2
Quick summary - Angel comes face to face with a vamp he once sired who is stalking the streets of L.A, and has a dream connection with his sire. Meanwhile, Kate finds out what Angel really is...
Best quote - Cordy; (to Wesley when Angel admits he may have been involved with the woman-in-alley murder) You stake him and I'll cut his head off!
Comments - A standout episode for sure! This is one of the most down'n'dirty eps and proves that L.A. can be just as nasty as Sunnydale when the show's producers and writers decide it should be. Elisabeth Rohm excels herself, and David Boreanaz also shows off how talented he is now, portraying Angel's inner conflict with ease and familiarity. Penn is a threatening bad guy, and his past with Angel makes the proceedings more interesting. And the proceedings are quite scary in places, crammed with tension, and darker than ever. While Wes and Cordy are underused somewhat, there's so much going on that you won't really care. Truly excellent!
Verdict - * * * * *
Quick summary - Cordy wakes up after a night of lust with a supposed nice guy - only to find she is pregnant with something extremely unnatural!
Best quote - (to Wilson, the 'father') You don't talk to me, I'll kick your ass. Featured word - ass!
Comments - An enjoyable slice of filler but not an all-time great. However, Charisma Carpenter provides one of her best ever performances of the spinoff's first season. She portrays Cordy's rollercoaster ride of emotions brilliantly - at first, her overnight pregnancy causes her to feel deeply scared and upset, then she becomes bitter (check out the scene in the hospital), then motherly instincts take over. All in all, she's pure class! Other cool elements include Wesley's further importance to the stories, the growing love between the 'A'-Team, more Dennis, the perfect score from Chris Beck and Rob J.Kral, and the spookiness of certain scenes. However, points degraded are due to the terrible monster-of-the-week costume - are we supposed to believe something so funny (because it's so bad) is meant to be scary?? Overall, this ep is one of those that should only be watched from time to time. It has many cool features but it's not highly original and a one-off thing...
Verdict - * * * 1/2
Quick summary - Angel gets caught up in a battle of the sexes between the female demons of an alternate-dimension and the male demons who enslave the females.
Best quote - Angel; (when one of Cordy's party guests asks him to dance) I don't dance.
Comments - Another filler but another entertaining one at that. We are treated to a sophisticated appearance from Bai Ling and there is enough comedy and action for a week's instalment. Though the sexual tension between Jhiera and Angel hasn't yet been explored further, it is rather interesting at this stage and leaves many questions unanswered. And of course, Angel (and Wes) dancing is a classic - make sure you watch the end credits for more awful moves. This episode, however, isn't all that memorable but it is something of a turning point for Mr.Wyndham-Price, as he is hired by Angel in this ep...
Verdict - * * * 1/2
I've Got You Under My Skin
Quick summary - Angel and his crew prepare an exorcism on a young boy who is possessed by a demon. Although the exorcism is completed successfully, Angel's work is yet to be completed...
Best quote - Cordy; (when Angel claims he isn't unflappable) Great, so flap!
Comments - A thought-provoking episode and also very enjoyable to watch. While the main focus of the ep is the exorcism, there are many subtle things brought to the surface - Angel missing Doyle, Wesley's friction with his father, Kate's feelings toward Angel now she knows he is a demon, etc. There are also some red herrings that make this ep unpredictable - at first, we think the demon is possessing the father not Ryan, and then we find out that Ryan was darker than the demon was. Evil in humans is much more scary than evil monsters. And this ep does provide some true genuine frights - the exorcism scenes are very creepy indeed. If nothing else, this episode succeeds in making you think...
Verdict - * * * *
The Prodigal
Quick summary - Angel tries to protect Kate from the truth about her father's dirty dealings, which brings up memories of his own father...
Best quote - Cordy; (on the supposedly peaceful demon who ran amok on the subway) Maybe it was just having a bad skanky rag day.
Comments - A fab ep! Though on first viewing it seems a little slow and the flashbacks seem pointless, when watched again, this ep just clicks. There are a number of great things to comment on; Julie Benz returning as pre-dusted Darla can only be a good thing (and a taster for Season Two), the flashbacks themselves are pulled off excellently and let us know much more about Angel's (or Liam's) origins, and there's what's going in the present day too. Elisabeth Rohm is fabulous as Kate, in an episode which is a turning point for the character. When Kate discovers her dad, killed by vampires, she cuts herself off from Angel, makes it her mission to destroy his kind, spurned on by her father's death (see To Shanshu In L.A, Dear Boy, etc.). While there is not enough from Wes and Cordy (especially the latter), they're not needed for this episode to come out top...
Verdict - * * * * 1/2
The Ring
Quick summary - Angel lands himself in trouble when he is captured and enslaved in an underground fighting ring, where he can only escape by killing other trapped demons like himself.
Best quote - Cordy; (on the barbaric 'show' that is being held by the McNamara brothers) Couldn't they have just done West Side Story?
Comments - Not one of my favourites but watchable. The whole 'fight club' thing is a little boring after a while and unoriginal, but it does put Angel in emotional turmoil which is always good - he wants to do the right thing but he'll die himself he doesn't fight for his freedom. It's safe to say that David Boreanaz is the star turn in this ep. Other cool things to watch out for are the fight scenes, Stphanie Romanov's debut appearance as Lilah Morgan, the team work between Cordy and Wesley as they struggle to find Angel, and the decision to toughen up Wes (check out how cool he is with a crossbow!). What detracts from this one is the annoying McNamara brothers, the annoying demons Angel is emprisoned with, and the fact that certain scenes are slow-moving. Good enough but I want better!
Verdict - * * * 1/2
Quick summary - Angel acts as bodyguard to one of Cordelia's fave actresses, who is supposedly being stalked. However, the T.V. star has more pressing issues on her mind - like seducing Angel by slipping him a happy pill so he can turn her into a vamp too...
Best quote - Cordy; (after tricking Angelus with her acting abilities) And the Oscar goes to...
Comments - One of my favourites from the first season. What starts off as an extremely post-modern look at Hollywood and the showbiz lifestyle suddenly becomes the ep Angelus fans have been waiting for. Angel's dark vampire other half returns after he is drugged, and what ensues is a fourth act that genuinely scares in places and lets us know what Angelus thinks of his friends. Cordy is deeply upset when he slates her acting performance, only to get her own back. And Angelus thinks Wesley (much more likeable now and tougher - check out that five'o'clock shadow) is a coward, which Wes also proves wrong by rugby-tackling him. The guest star Tamara Gorski as Rebecca Lowell is an example of fine casting, there are some subtle in-jokes (because of the whole 'T.V. actress is a character in a T.V. show' deal) and Angelus is as bad as ever. Classic stuff!
Verdict - * * * * *
Five By Five
Quick summary - Bad girl Slayer Faith (yipee!!) is back to stir up trouble in L.A. when Wolfram & Hart recruit her to assassinate Angel. Consequences come in the form of brutality, mayhem and tears...
Best quote - Faith; (torturing Wesley) Now, we've only done one of the five basic torture groups. We've done blunt, but that still leaves sharp, cold, hot and loud.
Comments - YAY!! Faith, one of the most intriguing (and one of the sexiest) characters in the Buffyverse is badder than ever in the mean streets of L.A. and unleashes on Angel and his friends. Teaming her up with Wolfram & Hart is a lethal combination and there's an awful lot of tension in this ep, as there is a real menace for Angel to face. Eliza Dushku is as brilliant as ever as the emotionally scarred Faith - she truly is a lost soul as the lip-quivering cliffhanger ending proves. The torture scenes are quite graphic and the most violent ever seen on either of the two shows (as the UK 18 certificate proved on this video's release). You kinda feel bad for Wesley as Faith blames her ex-Watcher on how she's turned out in life but Alexis Denisof's performance is truly worthy of a mention. Seeing lawyers Lindsey, Lilah and Lee together onscreen for the first time provides some sharp but sick banter, and Julie Benz returns again in Angel's flashbacks that parallel Faith's situation. Not to be missed...especially if you're male (check out the scene where Faith lets rip in a nightclub - cold shower?)!!!
Verdict - * * * * *
Quick summary - Crossover #2 isn't such a lovely-dovey deal for Buffy and Angel, as they scrap over whether Faith should be allowed to be redeemed. Buffy ain't the only one out for the rogue slayer's blood though either - so are Wolfram & Hart, the Watcher's Council, and the L.A. police, headed by Kate...
Best quote - Angel; (when Buffy tells him that she finally has someone she can count on in Riley in one of their many arguments in this ep) That's great. It's nice you moved on, I can't. You found someone new. I'm not allowed to, remember? I see you again, it cuts me up inside, and the person I share that with is me. You don't know me anymore, so don't come down here with your great new life and expect me to do things you way. Go home.
Comments - The concluding part to the great previous episode and just as brilliant! While there is a severe lack of Charisma Carpenter (boo hoo!), the rest of the acting tour de force - Sarah Michelle Gellar, Eliza Dushku, David Boreanaz, Alexis Denisof - makes up for this. Ms.Gellar revels in her return visit to Angel's world and the simmering frictional tension between her and Boreanaz is too cool and is followed upon in BtVS ep The Yoko Factor. Dushku turns to the light side and fellow redemption-ee Angel leads her on a troubled and confusing path to accepting the consequences of her actions. In the end, she turns herself in at jail to Kate Lockley, intent on finding some sort of peace (aaw!!!). Wesley, meanwhile, finds it hard to forgive Faith due to the whole her-torturing-him thang - kinds understandable. There's also much going on in the way of evil human nasties - the Watcher's Council's thugs attempt to capture Faith (those guys really grate my nerves) and W&H intend to kill her. Characterisation is strong and so is the writing (hello, Joss Whedon did co-write this!). All in all, so much is going on that it's hard to keep up! Exhilirating!!
Verdict - * * * * *
War Zone
Quick summary - New blood Gunn is introduced, as he fights to keep his vampire-hunting gang and sister alive and well.
Best quote - Wesley; (on the pictures of David Nabbit frolicking in the demon brothel) Certainly not something you'd want to have framed.
Comments - A suitable intro to streetwise and happenin' Gunn, Season Two regular. J.August Richards is great as the proud, solitary soldier and here we witness him staking his vamped-out sister, which has implications on him in further episodes. It's been a while since we had a vampires-only episode and this ep provides us with fanged fiends - while not hugely scary, the scene where they carry Alonna off to her fate is rather chilling. Also, millionaire geek David Nabbit is introduced in a rib-tickling subplot concerning his visits to a demon brothel. Other than this, this ep is standard fare. There's horror, the funny sidekicks (Cordy is back from her paid vacation she took in Sanctuary) and a broody leading guy...
Verdict - * * * *
Blind Date
Quick summary - Lindsey has a crisis of faith when he is chosen to represent a blind woman who plans to assassinate a threat to Wolfram & Hart - three innocent children.
Best quote - Gunn; (acting as a diversion while Angel infiltrates the law firm) Whoo, Whoo! My God! They told me it was true, but I didn't believe em. Damn, here it is. Evil white folks really do have a mecca. Now, now, now girls, don't get all riled up. (Screams) Did you just step on my foot? Was that my foot you just stepped on? Are you assulting me up in this haven of justice?! Somebody get me a lawyer, because my civil rights have seriously been violated. Oh, I get it, y'all can cater to the demon... cater to the dead man... but what about THE BLACK MAN?!!!
Comments - A pre-finale standout ep with an adult feel about it which focuses on lawyer-boy Lindsey McDonald. While he does revert to his old ways at the end of the ep, he has a brief fling with doing-the-right-thing and helps Angel steal important files (and Angel also chooses to snatch a scroll which plays an important part in the next episode). Christian Kane's performance is the highlight, his struggle between being good and bad paralleling with Angel's inner war. Devilishly devious Holland Manners (Sam Anderson) gives evil Wolfram & Hart a human face, there's the disposal of Lee the lawyer, and Angel breaks into the firm in a cool Mission Impossible style sequence. The blind chick enemy is also cool (and looks a little like Faith in certain shots). The only drawback is there's little for Cordy and Wes to do...
Verdict - * * * * 1/2
To Shanshu In L.A.
Quick summary - Explosive action as Wes and Cordy are hospitalised, leaving Angel to fight a deadly demon raised by Wolfram & Hart all alone. And there's a jack-in-the-box surprise...
Best quote -
Comments - A suitably intense and action-packed way to end the first season. There's many events that occur here that continue to develop in the next season - Cordy's newfound mission to help the helpless, Lindsey's loss of his hand, and Darla's return! While Gunn is yet again underused, there's so much happening it's understandable. Angel is at a loose end with no friends, no office and no Oracles - there's also the fact that Kate is now a superbitch when it comes to vamps, setting up the conflict we see some resolve to in Season Two. W&H are as bad as ever but just as good. There's also a brief appearance from War Zone's David Nabbit. And I just have to say how shocking and distressing the scenes where Cordy is attacked by visions are (I'm always in goosebumps mode when I watch these scenes). Of course, too, there's the whole prophecy thing - Angel is going to become human one day! Woo hoo!
Verdict - * * * * *
The spinoff may have gotten off to a shaky start, trying to find its feet but stumbling now and again. However, towards the end of this 22-episode run, there are a number of gems, as Wolfram & Hart are used more satisfyingly, giving Angel an ongoing enemy to face. It has to be said, though, that there was one too many filler eps in the earlier half of the season which didn't leave as big an impression as, say, Five By Five...
Performances from the cast have been strong throughout, though. David Boreanaz has improved a hell of a lot since his Buffy Season One days, and so has Charisma Carpenter. She has been given a true chance to shine (while she was a little underused in Buffy) and has shown she has a knack for comedy and can also act her ass off when it comes to emotional drama. While Glenn Quinn brought his own element to the show, I have to say, Alexis Denisof is the better man for the job in my opinion. Wesley is no longer snooty as he was in Buffy and has become a Giles-like addition the show. There have also been strong performances from recurring stars Elisabeth Rohm, Christian Kane, Stephanie Romanov, and the crossover stars Sarah Michelle Gellar, James Marsters, and Eliza Dushku.
While it has outshone Buffy Season Four in places due to the fact that it can get away with a lot more, the show still has a way to go to prove it is better than its parent show. While it does manage to stand alone, I still prefer Buffy. However, it is a promising series and Season Two is even better...