Season One Buffy
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Season One Buffy

Season Two Buffy

Season Three Buffy

Season Four Buffy

Season Five Buffy

Season One Angel

Season Two Angel

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Below I analyse all 12 episodes of the show's premiere season. Beware; big hair!

Welcome To The Hellmouth
Quick summary - Buffy moves to Sunnydale, meets her posse and the local evil threat - aside from Cordy, there's also the vamps!
Best one-liner - Pre-Angel-Cordy; (Buffy has just attacked her in the Bronze, she is perplexed and takes out her cellphone) Excuse me, I have to call everyone I have ever met right now...
Comments - This is a brilliant starter to both the first season and the show as a whole. Watching it now, five years on, it still has a fresh feel to it and it's great looking back at how all our favourite characters started out. For instance, Buffy is reluctant to slay, Cordelia is a superbitch, Willow is shy and retiring, Giles is just plain old stuffy, and Xander falls for the Slayer immediately - as we know, though, things change. The best scenes are those that establish the characters, the interactions between them, the introduction of Darla and Angel, the scene where Buffy takes on Luke, and the parts of the episode where Buffy expresses her lack of desire to start hunting vamps in her new town. Of course, Joss Whedon's script helps things along with cracking Valley-Girl wit and fast-paced action and thrills. Make sure you see this one, it is a true classic!
Verdict - * * * * *

The Harvest
Quick summary - We pick up from last week, the gang preparing for a battle with the Master and his vessel, Luke, who hold teens hostage at the Bronze!
Best quote - Buffy; (on sunrise, after tricking Luke into thinking a streetlight is sunlight, just before he poofs) It's in about nine hours, moron!
Comments - An above average conclusion to the first part but not brilliant. There are a lot of great jokes that keep the interest, a fab fight scene in the Bronze towards the end, and spooky goings-on galore (the scenes in the tunnels, for example). However, this episode doesn't just click like the previous one - it tends to drag in places, and some of the scenes are embarassingly tedious looking back. Things finish off nicely though with plenty of unfinished business to be handled later on in the season, with the Master still posing a threat and Angel lurking at large...
Verdict - * * * 1/2

Quick summary - Buffy and gang take on Amy Madison's withcy mother who took her daughter's body to relive her glory day on the cheerleading team! Shake them pom poms...
Best quote - Buffy; (to evil Mrs.Madison) Guess what? I feel better... (proceeds to throw the witch the distance of the room, hehehe)
Comments - An average episode but fun nonetheless, this basically serves to tell the audience that Buffy will be facing other nasties aside from vamps. There are some funny scenes (especially those involving Buffy on a high) and the spells that the witch casts (on Amber, Cordy, etc.) are effective if simple. The twist of this episode makes the final act quite thrilling and the way trying out for the cheerleading squad is used as a metaphor for evil is all very original. Fairly fun-of-the-mill and forgettable but a decent way to spend fourty five minutes.
Verdict - * * *

Teacher's Pet
Quick summary - Xander falls for the substitute teacher who happens to be a praying mantis, and he has to suffer what can only be described as first-season crappy monster costume.
Best quote - Xander; (on Ms.French's flattering dress) It's the most beautiful chest...dress I've ever seen!
Comments - Although the scene where Buffy faces off with the huge praying mantis is so embarassing that you stop and think 'what the hell am I watching?', the rest of this episode makes up for it. This is one of my faves from the first season, purely because there's so much going on. Although it screams FILLER, there are plenty of great jokes and pop-culture references (check out Buffy's remark about Natalie's 360 degree head turn) and Nick Brendon is given his first true chance to shine. It's also great watching Buffy, Willow and Giles researching this week's creature feature, the ensemble interesting to see and how the actors feed off each other. There's also the great fight scene featuring the clawed vamp and the reappearance of Angel, the chemistry between him and Buff already there to witness. All in all, this is fab stuff...
Verdict - * * * * 1/2

Never Kill A Boy On The First Date
Quick summary - Buffy struggles to date a bookish guy who is taken aback by her exciting lifestyle, while she also has to stop a prophecy concerning the 'Anointed One' from coming to pass. Cue confusion!
Best quote - Buffy; (ready to go on her first date with Owen, to a perplexed Giles) If the apocalypse comes, beep me!
Comments - Another good solid episode. We see Buffy's birthrite getting in the way of her having an ordinary life for not the last time, and Sarah Michelle Gellar handles Buffy's longing for all things normal excellently. There's also more tantalising teases of Angel, great scenes in the morgue including the big fight scene of this ep ('You killed my date!') and the shocking conclusion, where we find out the true identity of the Anointed One. Although this ep basically sets up the partnership between the Master and the Anointed One, it's all very good fun even if it's not very eventful. Great music to from Velvet Chain!
Verdict - * * * * 1/2

The Pack
Quick summary - Xander gets possessed by a hyena (huh?), goes all mean and eats a pig! Hmm.....
Best quote - Giles; (on Xander's change in behaviour) It's devastating. He's turned into a sixteen year old boy. Of course, you'll have to kill him...
Comments - Very silly but not that bad. Although there are some contrived elements, Nick Brendon pulls off being the bully (check out the evil look in his eyes, eek!) and there are some quite gory thrills to be had (goodbye Principal Flutie!). Alyson Hannigan is great too, comments made by Hyena-Xander cutting deep. However, the other members of the 'pack' are so annoying you wanna take a swipe at them whenever they're on screen and the death of the pig, although cruel, is hardly terrifying. Next...
Verdict - * * *

Quick summary - Angel returns to protect Buffy when the Master's efforts to kill the Slayer heat up. However, this angel might not be as angelic as Buffy thinks...
Best quote - Willow; (on Angel) So, he is a good vampire? I mean on a scale of one to ten. Ten being someone who's killing and maiming every night. One being someone who's...not.
Comments - One of the best of the year without a doubt! The moment Buffy finds out Angel is a vamp is a shocking scene, and excellently timed. The chemistry between SMG and David Boreanaz reaches melting point. Kudos to Julie Benz also, who portrays the utterly evil Darla with menace and comes across as Buffy's twisted rival for Angel's affections. Brilliantly shot and scripted, this episode works well and leaves a lot of questions to be answered later on in the series.
Verdict - * * * * 1/2

I, Robot...You, Jane
Quick summary - Willow falls for a guy online who just happens to be a demon whose managed to get scanned into the computer and is roaming free on the internet. His name is Moloch and he helped me design this site.....kidding!
Best quote - Ms.Calendar (to Giles, who's annoyed at her using the library for a computer science class) I know our ways are strange to you but soon you will join us in the twentieth century - with three whole years to spare!
Comments - Filler but great stuff. This proves how funny the show can be and there's so much going on that the pace never lets up. There's the introduction of Jenny Calendar for a start, providing some hilarious friction between her and Giles, but the main focus of the plot is Willow's getting mixed up with a demon trapped on the net, masquerading as a lonely heart. While providing some great lines, the script also leaves room for interesting characterisation (Willow's yearning for love, and Giles horror at a world devoid of written media), thrills 'n' spills, etc. A great story with mucho entertainment value.
Verdict - * * * * 1/2

The Puppet Show
Quick summary - Buffy and Co. are forced to take part in the Sunnydale High talent show (that in itself is scary) but things get nasty when the following are thrown in the mix - dummies with the ability to walk'n'talk, demons who harvest brains, and talent show contestants winding up dead! Eek!
Best quote - Principal Snyder; There are things I will not tolerate. Students loitering on campus after school. Horrible murders with hearts being removed. And also smoking.
Comments - Lovely jubbly! Yet another cool filler episode with plenty to entertain even if it ain't all that massive. This is another comic episode, an absolute joke minefield sure to put a smile on yer face. The horror element is also well and present, and with a story that twists and turns you are sure to be left guessing and in no way getting bored. Armin Shimerman is introduced as the dry Principal Snyder, a great addition to the 'recurring' cast of characters. There are also some great glimpses into how talentless our fave characters really are - Cordy's 'singing' forces Giles to use the 'what's-up-with-your-hair?' line so Ms.Chase will succumb to her vanity and STOP 'singing' (thank you Rupert), and the final scene during the credits where Buffy, Willow and Xander throw a skit is hilarous. Willow running off is priceless! So, although scenes involving Sid (the dummy) may be a little cheesy, sit back and enjoy the ride - this offering serves up a tasty mix of mayhem, certain giggles and did I mention what Buffy's wearing when she searches for Morgan towards the beginning of the ep? Yum-eeeeeeee!
Verdict - * * * * 1/2

Quick summary - The gang's worst nightmares become a disturbing reality and chaos ensues!
Best quote - Xander; (confused by the word 'arachnids') They come from the Middle East?
Comments - Probably one of my least faves of the first season. It is interesting to see what terrifies the Scoobies but after repeated viewing, this episode loses something. The whole 'ugly man' thing is boring and the kid who plays Billy is so annoying you kinda start to understand why the kiddy league coach did what he did! OK, so he wasn't that bad but I thought I'd just complain anyway. The kid can't act! There are some enjoyable points - Xander facing off with the clown, Willow's opera trauma, Cordy's new geek quality - but this episode to me is a little dull. By now, the Master is also getting old and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......I'm bored!
Verdict - * * 1/2

Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight
Quick summary - An invisible girl terrorises the school. Oh, and Cordy shows her first signs of humanity. Who would have thought?
Best quote - Cordy; (when Giles remarks he's never seen her in the library before) Oh, no. I have a life.
Comments - Although the whole 'invisible girl' thing does sound terribly bad, this episode is actually quite cool. Any episode featuring more Charisma C is well worth it, and this is the first one revolving around her, and she really does shine! The girl has talent - in more than one way! Also, during this ep, we find out more about Buffy's past at Hemery and how she longs to be popular again. Aside from the characterisation, there's the return of Angel after a three-episode absence, cool jokes and some cool invisible sequences (including Harmony's descent down the stairs, Mitch being attacked in the shower room and, to top it all off, Buffy's showdown with the peeved Marcie). The basis of the season finale is also set, when Giles discovers Angel can get him access to some long 'lost' prophecies. All in all, this is pretty good...
Verdict - * * * 1/2

Prophecy Girl
Quick summary - Prepare to be scared cos the Master is ready to rise and the Hellmouth is gonna open. Oh, and Buffy's gonna die...that's not good!
Best quote - Buffy; (in a serious moment, after being told she will die at the hands of the Master) I'm sixteen years old. I don't wanna die...
Comments - Joss Whedon wrote and directed this. You know what that means! The first season's finale is an all out there deal, and you'll lap it up. Apart from the action/horror sequences (the best yet - Willow and Cordy's shocking discovery, the slow motion fight scene at the beginning, and the massive action scenes where Buffy faces off with the Master), this is the first time we have really moving drama also, and it involves Buffy's storyline. Sarah Michelle Gellar proves how talented she really is at this early stage. Xander's crush also comes to a head, and he asks the Slayer for a date. Things don't go too well for X-Man and it's painful to see although it was obvious Buff would reject him. She's into Angel - who also appears, along with Jenny Calendar. Charisma Carpenter is in the middle of things again, which is great, and it is great to see the rather dormant Master finally given a chance to wreak some havoc. It's also great to have the plot resolved, Buffy defeating her first big enemy. Roll on Season Two...
Verdict - * * * * 1/2 (would have been perfect if not for a bit of a slow start)

Season One, while good, is certainly the weakest season of them all in my opinion. This is for a few reasons - it was half the length of following seasons so half the fun, it suffered somewhat where special effects were used, the characters weren't so developed, and the Master was not given a true chance to shine until the finale. However, these bad points do not outweigh the good points. Positive things about the debut season; it has a more fun upbeat feel because the characters aren't dealing with the emotional turmoil we see in the next seasons, there is more screentime for each of the four main Scoobies (unlike in Season Four, for instance), and it is the season which establishes the basic mythology of the Slayer and vampires, etc.
All in all, it's enjoyable fluff with the occassional classic (Welcome To The Hellmouth, Angel, Prophecy Girl). But remain seated - Season Two is much more satisfying...